Club Modular Layout

This is the club's magnum opus in 'OO'.
The modules were the brain-child of our former Secretary, the late Ray Williams, and really breathed new life into the club.
Each module is built to set specifications (please see below) and the idea is that each member can do their own thing with their module(s) and can then link them together with other modules to form a 'super layout'
Every new member is supplied for free with materials to complete their first module board, together with 2 lengths of Peco code 75 flexible track. Afterwards materials for further boards are supplied at cost.
The modules are intended for DCC control and the club has a Gaugemaster Prodigy2 unit available for use on club nights.
A module is a great way to start for someone new to railway modelling. 'Old hands' also have the chance to explore new skill areas, such as the 'dark-side' of DCC control.
As well as the standard scenic modules the club and/or members have corner modules to allow round and round running and two traverser fiddle yard modules.

Module Specifications
Standard Module Specifications
Cutting Plan
Corner Module Specifications